Steve Sautter and his hunting pals.
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Steve Sautter is a native Montanan, born in Townsend, lived in Missoula for 45 years, and has now returned to live in Broadwater County. Steve has been hunting, fishing, and shooting for decades, and this enjoyment of the outdoors has led him to the competitive shotgun and pistol sports. He has won Montana state class championships in both trap & skeet. He has been instructing firearms classes for 20 years. Steve holds the following certifications:
North Fork Composites Certified Rod Builder
NRA Pistol Instructor
NRA Personal Protection In The Home Instructor
NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home Instructor
NRA Defensive Pistol Instructor
NRA Shotgun Instructor
NRA Metallic Cartridge Reloading Instructor
NRA Shotgun Shell Reloading Instructor
NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
NRA Level II Shotgun Coach
In addition, Steve holds Distinguished Expert Qualifications in Shotgun, Pistol, and Rifle and is the 143rd marksman nationwide to achieve NRA’S Triple Distinguished Expert Qualification.
Gary Loomis presenting Steve with his North Fork Composites certificate as a NFC Certified Rod Builder.